Search results

  1. looking for gt with "Case" in them

    Not trying to spam with threads but i am really looking for a gamer tag that involves my name, "Case".My current gt is Xxcaseadilla , but i have had it for so long that i want something new :) If anyone has a gamer tag that involves the word case i will be interested EX: Charity Case Gun Case...
  2. looking/buying og "Case"

    when do you think they will be reset?
  3. Call of Duty Who has Diamond Camos on Blops 2?

    i have diamond Assult shield and Rockets, about to get diamond assults :)
  4. looking/buying og "Case"

    I have been looking everywhere for this account and i am willing to pay big time for it, since my actual name is case you can understand why i want it. I have called Microsoft about it and they said there was nothing they could do, i have been messaging the account but no replies! If you know...
  5. Contest Over

    RE: Free Tags! Just getting rid of them! 49 and 51. .
  6. Giving 2 tags away!

    53 for both .
  7. Giving 2 tags away!

    50 for both. .
  8. OU5 - 15$ or nice trade

    yea i just had a question didnt know where to go to ask about it until i found this site so yea, thanks for the input :)
  9. Og tag "Transpond"

    . alright..1 dallaa!
  10. OU5 - 15$ or nice trade

    my friend is selling me his account for $10 would Casemate be considered at least a semi-og gamertag?
  11. OU5 - 15$ or nice trade

    . what is a minus?