looking/buying og "Case"


I have been looking everywhere for this account and i am willing to pay big time for it, since my actual name is case you can understand why i want it. I have called Microsoft about it and they said there was nothing they could do, i have been messaging the account but no replies! If you know anything about it please pm me thanks :)

Edit: since apparently its impossible to get "Case" if anyone has a gamertag that involves the word case i will be interested
EX: Charity Case
Gun Case
Book Case
if it has case in it pm me :)
I got some bad news for you man, there is a V1 version of this.
Which means you won't be able to get it unless it resets.
There is "Case" and "c a s e" made so you're gonna have to wait
until both reset.
Xxcaseadilla said:
when do you think they will be reset?
V1 GT's take at least 7years of inactivity to be reset, unless you're a MS employee. Some take a lot more time, and no one knows when the GT's are reset though. The best way to find out is to send a F/R to "Case" and "c a s e", and wait for both of them to vanish, that usually means that they got reset or went into GT Limbo.