★✰Gamertag Section✰★

Threads have been made like this before. In the end the poll doesn't mean anything because it's Philly's decision. You probably won't get this because you're just going for a sticky, not to actually help out new members.
Thanks Flippy!

I really want this thread to get a sticky because I feel this thread is very helpful to those noobs that join and all around :D
Nice man.

I suggest adding links to the Known Sellers and MMs.
Hat said:
Threads have been made like this before. In the end the poll doesn't mean anything because it's Philly's decision. You probably won't get this because you're just going for a sticky, not to actually help out new members.
Hat this is basically for new members that need help and to see what to do before they start posting etc. in this section and for help.

Thanks to the others :D
Well he is currently banned so I can't really add him unless he gets unbanned...
Junior is the most legit seller I know even though he's banned. He still deals with tons of FK members legitly even while on his ban.
(But he is still gay <3)
Nice post you got here man :)
also Good to see Junior is on there he's legit as fuck and shouldn't be banned.
This is a great thread, even though Junior is ban hes still legit as fuck!

Great thread op
glad to see Junior on the list its a shame he was banned
I should be added to that Legit sellers list as I have never scammed and I've been here forever. You should also have links to their profiles so its easy to contact them for new members.
Thanks Cannibal and Famous!

I just added their profile links ;)
This deserves a sticky, nice work.