Simple said:These are some nice prices.
Cabbage said:Mud is HQ user, and good luck with the sales!
Anubis said:Fantastic! mate, I'm gonna need a few 12Months for my accounts, whenever you restock.
Jon said:Im going to need a 1600 for my brothers pretty soon ill hit you up in a couple of days.
Tupac said:GLWS man, I will probably buy a one month off you when I get payed. Providing they aren't stripped
Whirl said:You'll be good bud.
Tupac said:No offence meant, but please don't call me bud, I only allow a few people to call me bud, and all but one of them are in real life.
Kill said:I might buy a 12 month soon. I'll HYU then.
Shadow said:Hey are these codes : American , Eu or international ?