♬ Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop ☮☤

How much for Chapter 3?

I dont really like it..... Thinking of how it would look in game :)
How much for Kar98ks? Hit me up
he was legit to me with chapter 3 but he said hed give me colloseums too. cus i gave him an 800 mp card and that was the deal: colloseums + chapter 3. he ends up selling it to: Turtles. Thanks man.
I'm sorry to say but you don't have the tag "Wonder Waffle" As I recieved it from someone in a trade, And sold to Superior and Superior hasn't sold yet.
I'm interested in Arisakas

Name your price.[/b]

How much for Publicans?
Pretttttyyy sweeet semis GLWS !! :)
really sick tag Broo + BUMP !!!!!!!!!!