($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $128.70. [Scammed by singed]

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RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m

Seljak10 said:
With "take off some" I meant that if you drop the price a bit I would buy some gold of you - could phrase it better :p
Thanks for the picture upload. I'll think about it and get back to you if the gold will still be available ;)

Ah, I see. :)
Yeah, I didn't really understand what you meant, lol.
IMO, this is a good price, and I already lost like $100 worth of GP dicing. :(
No problem man, PM me or post again if you're ever interested in buying. :p

Svend said:
just bought some, if i saw this b4 i may would have bought

Well, if you're ever interested in buying more, come to me first. :wink:
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m

Death, I can sell you an iTouch 3rd generation for 150m if you would like to do that?
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m

iHeartless said:
Death, I can sell you an iTouch 3rd generation for 150m if you would like to do that?

Sorry man, already have an iPhone. Thanks for the offer, though.
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m

Back at the top. Come on guys, I need this sold. :'(
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $148.

Bump again. Anyone interested?
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $148.

I will buy 120 for $70 but you will need to find a trustworthy mm
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $148.

Oliveredmunds said:
I will buy 120 for $70 but you will need to find a trustworthy mm

Sorry, I'm only going (lowest) of 0.65/m. That was if you bought all of it, lol. I'm not selling for that low, sorry. :(
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $148.

EDIT: I will pay the extra 7 dollars for 0.65 if you can do the trade within the next 5 minutes add me on msn [email protected]
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $148.

Bump to the top. :)
Still selling.
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $148.

I'll buy all your gold.
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $148.

El Diablo said:
if your still selling i want to buy this all.

Yes, I'm still selling.
PMing you now with my MSN. :)
RE: ($0.65/m) Selling 198m, $128.70. (ALL STILL AVAILABLE)

Bumping, yet again. >.>
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