Call of Duty #1 MW2 1v1er 10-0 GG UPDATED!

RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

lol you are pretty dumb how would it be a dq if the 2 stuns did absolutely nothing to affect you or prevent you from killing me and under rule #11 it says two small illegal actions result in a dq but yet only one stun hit you and if you you think just throwing a stun is a dq go ask DariuL about it and he will tell you it's a warning

Oh yeah I forgot to mention the second game I didn't threaten to swat you I said I'll fucking slap this kid to Cesar I didn't threaten to swat you until I came on the forum and typed that message
RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

I was showing you how "your rules" violates what you did, but not to mention, this is MY thread, I stated I was #1 in QS. There is no stunning in 1v1ing QS, your an idiot. DariuL's opinion on his rules do not matter because I was strictly showing you how even if we were going by his rules it would still be a DQ. If he says something different then that makes him a hypocrite.

BUT to restate, there are no stuns in 1v1ing and RULE #11 DOES NOT STATE THAT YOU DUMBASS. I JUST SAID WHAT RULE#11 says it says "11. Throwing Equipment ANYWHERE at ANYTIME (Blast Shield equipped helps prevent this)" WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? THROWING STUNS ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME! IDIOT. Either way, I WON.

RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

God you are so ignorant and stupid you think just because you are subscribed to 1v1leaderboards you know everything about it yet you've never played anyone ranked and you'll never be good enough to be ranked and it shows I'm better than you because you won't play me and I know you're gonna say you already beat me but you didn't I was winning 13-11 while you were camping and stunned you once while you were on rocks which is a warning and you ended it so I won GG and if you don't agree then play me
RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

You through a total of 3 stuns, i'm not subscribed to 1v1LeaderBoards, I have beaten top ranked MW3 players and even played CoLd Qs. I'll start off by saying I skunked Unorthxdox 10-0 on MW3, Beat Excite Astro/Respeqtful and they both have had their share of #1 as well. I knew it was a DQ when you threw one stun at me, but now going by "your rules" it even says your still wrong with 3 stuns thrown anywhere at anytime is STILL a dq. Kid your upset, get help, theres a forum for that too.
RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

Yeah stuns throw at a player anytime anywhere is a dq if it stuns them go talk to DariuL I guarantee he will say the same thing but you know what take first game I don't care now play me on my host for game two or are you scared?
RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 8-0 UPDATED.

Almighty said:
Kid come at me Simple, you've been scoping me out and checking out my 1v1 talents, play me kid.

'Kid'? Seriously? You're calling me the 'kid' and you're the one acting like a childish kid. Seriously, KID. Get the fuck out.
RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

Woah, I'm just wondering, why the hell do you care if your not throwing up any bets or making any offer to 1v1 me. This obviously isn't you.
RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

Almighty said:
Woah, I'm just wondering, why the hell do you care if your not throwing up any bets or making any offer to 1v1 me. This obviously isn't you.

Because I don't sit around all day playing CoD and I'm not going to 'prove' myself over some faggot on the Internet.
RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

GG beat Aqua. Anyone wanna try to steal my title from me? LOLOLOLOL NOBODY WILL CAUSE IM THE GREATEST.
RE: #1 MW2 1v1er 9-0 GG UPDATED!

Good game, he's also pretty chill lol..

But, considering you prone the whole game, dragscope an stay in one spot I still almost beat you..

Rust - I was beating you 18-14 an you stayed in one corner an I pushed you every time that's the only reason you won.
Lol GG Aqua, and no I don't consider that camping, you made me RUSH you the first part of the game on Rust while you were camping. Half the kills I got on you were skillful corner match ups, the other half were camping because Rust is a shitty map when there is groundgame...
Lol ok whatever you say but you got to admit I put the best matchup on Fk to you :)
Yeah, Aqua is definitely a sick player and for a second I thought he was going to bring it to 3 games to see who's gonna win it. A close game on Rust and he definitely is decent even without spawntrapping :)
Thanks brah lol an you do comp ??
A little, not much though. I use to do it when it was actually fun and MW2 comp was popular.
Yea I wish it was like that still but if you ever wanna run acouple of scrims Hmu ;)
Beat this kid 20-1 and he wont add me on to his record cause he said it didnt count. The only kill he got on me was when I let my sister use the controller while I watched spongebob LOL
Lol no you didnt, I record all my games in case shit like this ever happens, I know for a fact you didn't cause you haven't played me at all. Your too scared to even give me ur GT. You really think you can just come on this thread, with like 40 posts and claim ur #1? Kid play me, haha :)
Almighty said:
Lol theres no proof, I record all my games in case shit like this ever happens, I know for a fact you didn't cause you haven't played me at all. Your too scared to even give me ur GT. You really think you can just come on this thread, with like 40 posts and claim ur #1? Kid play me, haha :)

Already played you kid. Your just a random who wont accept a loss. GG and please, hold the RE