1 Word Gamertags for Sale $1


New Member
RE: Selling oG & Semi oG Gamertags!

So where are the ogs you mentioned in the title?
RE: Selling oG & Semi oG Gamertags!

lol these are random words that knobody has a clue what they mean, aint og my friend
RE: Selling oG & Semi oG Gamertags!

Almost all of these are worthless no offense
RE: Selling oG & Semi oG Gamertags!

Should I just take the post down then?
RE: Selling oG & Semi oG Gamertags!

` yes
RE: Selling oG & Semi oG Gamertags!

hmmm, where are the oG's? These are all dictionary words no offense dude, but don't take them down, make a giveaway! That's a good way to gain rep+ :) GLWS D00D!