100 Koins - R

I don't mess with SM's anymore either. @ponyo
Yeah, All I want is a GT which hopefully I can get with the reset
When is the next one? Do we know? @ponyo
lately u say he been killin the vibe, gotta be sick of dis guy, pull up, skurt get in he ride, left hand is steering the other is gripping ya thigh!
Well I was looking on here about Sept 15th so hopefully the one I want is available
September? Ah so close, maybe I'll go for one. @ponyo
It's really close alot of GTs will be claimed
Yeah I wonder if they'll release them like they did last time. @ponyo
I wasn't online around that time so I'm not sure how they did them
Oh you missed the first one dude? @ponyo
Yeah I did sadly :( it ducked bad
Very nice of you, going into the next giveaway. @aware
@ponyo I am so damn tired lmfao.

@producer come and post here my man!
I'm almost there, then we shall sleep! @producer
Not too hyped for school but I'm only going for 2 days as I'm taking a tiny trip with the family. @producer
Nice nice I start school next week I can't wait lol fuck school it is aids I mean i like to learn but its just the people that ruin it for me
@producer truly sucks man.

Final bump of the night, come take advantage of this!