100 Koins - R

1 person, 100 koins, good luck. @cred
Thanks for the donation.
Rare said:
1 person, 100 koins, good luck. @cred
Thanks for the donation.
Yeah, I really dont need koins lol. Thanks for giveaway though.
Good luck with this and hitting the 1000 posts lel.
Get the shit posting rolling, but follow the rules.
I don't use BTC, nor do I buy koins. @aware
Donate them to the giveaway.
You won't get more than $15 for yours. @aware
Out it band practice I'm hungry asf
I am hungry all the time yet skinny. @ponyo
Shittt I'm supposed to no be eating alot because band but I haven't ate all day.
Band requires you to be fit? @ponyo
Well I'm in marching band that'd make more sense to say @rare
Not like you're running marathons while playing a guitar. @ponyo

Bump let's keep this rolling, easy 100 koins.
I don't really need to win as it's my giveaway, I wanna sleep. @producer
Well we need to get close to 1k replies we got a few hundred to go my dude