1600 Microsoft Point Card (US CARD)

Can i have 34 plz man i know i don't meet the requirements but ill try and be more active thanks #34
I'll take a spot please and thanks!!
I'll take any spot that's available. Thanks a lot for the giveaway :)

Oh and I love @$$
I'll let you slap my @SS if I can get spot #28.
I will let you personally slap my @$$ and d1ck if you give me number 40 :p
Updated and are there really no one else who can join? It's only 55 spots! I remember when the tag Session got filled within 2 days with a 100 spots!
Chuck Norris will kick your @SS.
Haha, may I have number 25?
Thanks for doing the give away.
My @$$ wants number 38, Thanks.
@$$ May i get number 37 and thanks for the giveaway hope!