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Even if he did turbo it, it wouldn't really matter.
240 said:
Like i said to the turboer , I'd take the blame, @Gor can vouch , he middle manned

But why on earth would you take the blame -.-

Amp said:
Even if he did turbo it, it wouldn't really matter.

It's just a warning, and telling people that I didn't claim it. So yes, it does matter as people where pointing the blame at me.
Fade said:
But why on earth would you take the blame

It's just a warning, and telling people that I didn't claim it. So yes, it does matter as people where pointing the blame at me.

Because that was the only way he would trade me, @rude post whatever the fuck you want loser.
240 said:
Inb4 i give 0 fucks
your just a bit salty that your @ got turbod and you got no one else to blame,
So lucky im not a snitch nigga.

Erm am I mistaken but is this still forumkorner or as you would put it judging by your language "the hood" , don't try to be a hard ass over the internet.


skip to 0:38
For the fucking 20th time, I'm pointing out that he turboed it, and that I didn't get it. Fucking hell, like I said people who gonna bitch, don't comment.

I was posting this as a small precaution, but mainly the fact that I didn't claim it, as I got the blame by a few of you here, and offsite.
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