25$ PayPal for 20 BTC


Power member.
Okay, so... I will send you 25$ PayPal if you buy me something worth 20$ BTC. Only trusted members please. The thing I want only accepts BTC.
Aware make it $26.5 then sure. Low af on BTC cause... well some1 owes me...
DustDice said:
Aware make it $26.5 then sure. Low af on BTC cause... well some1 owes me...

I'll give you $20 pp for $16 btc
@Mekko That's the same rate OP is offering, I want better.
DustDice said:
@Mekko That's the same rate OP is offering, I want better.

Well get cher poor ass outta here

DustDice said:
@Mekko That's the same rate OP is offering, I want better.

Lmaooo aww you got butthurt and negged me haha poor ass virgin go get pussy instead of leaving negative points on a forum LOL
Mekko said:
Well get cher poor ass outta here

Lmaooo aww you got butthurt and negged me haha poor ass virgin go get pussy instead of leaving negative points on a forum LOL

Haha well that isn't going to get the neg removed. You have a shitty attitude, the rep is staying until you apologize.
Mekko said:
I'll give you $20 pp for $16 btc

Don't make offers or deals with other members on my thread. Make your own thread. Enjoy