25$ PayPal Giveaway

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Power member.
I will be giving away 25$ PayPal when I come back from vacation. I'm leaving on Thursday or Friday and won't be back until about a week. I will be doing more PayPal giveaways when I get back also.​

Must have had a ForumKorner account for more than 1 month.
Must have 5+ rep.

Post as much as you want.
I will be using random.org to decide winner.
Your post number on this thread will be your entry number. You can have as many entry numbers as you want, just keep posting.​
I won't win haha. You don't know which day you're leaving? :D where you going?
DustDice said:
I won't win haha. You don't know which day you're leaving? :D where you going?
Me and the fam are going on a road trip to visit some friends in Oregon.
Aware said:
Me and the fam are going on a road trip to visit some friends in Oregon.

I wanna go to Oregon and watch the ducks play I think that would be so sick
Aware said:
Me and the fam are going on a road trip to visit some friends in Oregon.

Roads trips are fun, for me at least xD not sure if it for you but it's always a good time spending time with family. Enjoy the trip! I might be going somewhere soon, I need a vacation myself lol
Really nice of you to do, kik me by the way.
this is sick, I hope this keeps going!
Hope I win this shitsss lol I need it bad
Let's keep posting on this, solid giveaway.
When I'm actually awake tomorrow I'll win this. @dusk
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