25k --> 35k Twitter Followers [$10] Long lasting !


This really sounds like a "YouTube Bot"
Our Conversation when he first added me.
[10/27/2012 5:33:00 AM] Lewis.: Hi zellersquad! I’d like to add you on Skype. Lewis.
[10/27/2012 10:37:29 AM] → Zeller ←: → Zeller ← has shared contact details with Lewis.
[10/27/2012 10:37:35 AM] Lewis.: Intro ?
[10/27/2012 10:37:38 AM] → Zeller ←: Yes.
[10/27/2012 10:37:44 AM] → Zeller ←: But hold on going to get in the shwer.
[10/27/2012 10:37:46 AM] → Zeller ←: brb
[10/27/2012 10:37:54 AM] Lewis.: How much are you willing to pay /
[10/27/2012 10:37:54 AM] Lewis.: ?
[10/27/2012 10:37:59 AM] → Zeller ←: 5
[10/27/2012 10:38:03 AM] Lewis.: $ ?
[10/27/2012 10:55:11 AM] → Zeller ←: yeah

LOL Look what he said. He's 16 years old and he is in college. Haha

[6:35:23 PM] Lewis: lol im 16
[6:35:28 PM] Lewis: And i have a LIFE
[6:35:28 PM] → Zeller ←: trying to scam kids for money! LOL
[6:35:46 PM] → Zeller ←: I bet you do, that why you been on Skype argueing with me.. Because your ass has no life! Fat scrub.
[6:37:39 PM] Lewis: ok
[6:37:42 PM] Lewis: Im at college
[6:38:10 PM] → Zeller ←: Your 16 and your in college? No need to lie kid.
[6:38:35 PM] Lewis: ok
[6:38:41 PM] Lewis: Thats why your sad
[6:38:58 PM] → Zeller ←: I'm sad, when you keep trying to lie? Trying to scam? LOL