

Onyx user!
My[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] laptop broke last night, so I'm not going to be as active on here for a little while.. Anyways, I'll come on every now and then to see how everyone is doing, but for now I guess I'm taking a break. [/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]~ Savage[/font]​
Laptops are nasty anyways, see you soon.
Use your mobile, very easy and is honestly better than most computers.
What fucking computer do you own lmfaoo. @therapy
Rare said:
What fucking computer do you own lmfaoo. @therapy

I said better than most computers, not mine, nor did I even hint at that. I prefer mobile in a lot of situations, just depends on the person. I also don't stay in my room all day so I am more familiar with mobile. (Don't get salty, I was not saying you stay in your room all day.)
Rare said:
Laptops are nasty anyways, see you soon.

This statement is gross. Laptops are the best things ever. Who tf uses PCs anymore.
Emp said:
So buy a new one? Just sell some ohGEEz, isn't that what all the kids nowadays are doing? lol

Money isn't an easy thing for me, I put most of it towards my family and my phone bill & car payment.
gringo said:
why cant u use your phone? most of the ppl come on here w their phone

I can, I just don't get on my phone too much. Usually busy with work or family.
Articuno said:
M'kay well stay safe and don't do anything stupid.

I doubt I'd be doing anything stupid anytime soon or ever.