27 hours!


Power member.
In basically a day it will be FK's 2nd year anniversary! Be sure to be here to be able to be apart of the contests, and giveaways that are going to occur.

Here is what is going to happen,
Discounted koins, and upgrades/donations.
20 membership upgrades will be up for grabs in contests, and giveaways.
200,000 koins will be up for grabs in contests and giveaways.
A posting contest for the whole day with an awesome prize.
New staff, and mods will be picked.

There is a couple other things but I wont mention them yet, feel free to suggest some things as well.

Everything will be explained better and in more detail when the time is right.
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

Sounds awesome and can't wait to be apart of what ever happens tomorrow.
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

Can you give us hints towards the secret things :3
And I hope I'm online during this! Sounds like it'll be fun!
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

I can't wait for this. It will also basically be a week from my 2 year anniversary! These 2 years have been some of the best of my life in this amazing community.
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

Cool cool.Sounds great :D
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

Are the discounts on Koins/Upgrades going to be cheaper than ever before?
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

Wow. I can't wait to find out who will be getting staff and mod!

Activity will increase a ton from this I bet. :)
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

This sounds great Philly. Good luck to everyone that enter the contests and the new staff and mods!
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

WOW, Sounds like you have a great line up of things to giveaway Philly.

Cant wait to see what you have in stall.
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

Yeah Philly so you're picking me for mod? Thanks <3. I kid I kid. Anyway can't wait for the giveaways.
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

Awesome dude, hopefully I win a contest. :)
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

This sounds great I hope I'll win those 200K Koins ;)
RE: 1 day, 3 and a half hours!

I'm excited about all these give-aways.
And congrats to FK for making it this far. :)
Thanks, just let me know when I become staff.
Tehstickle said:
By tomorrow you mean Monday, right? Just need some clearing up.

March 18th 2013 at 12:00 am PST is when I will start everything, but I will spread the contests and giveaways up in different times so its fair for all member's because not everyone is from the same time zones.
Philly said:
March 18th 2013 at 12:00 am PST is when I will start everything, but I will spread the contests and giveaways up in different times so its fair for all member's because not everyone is from the same time zones.

I'll be sure to be on all day. I don't have school on that day. I want to be upgraded so badly but I don't have any PayPal.