3 hours until FK will go dark.

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Philly said:
7 minutes remaining and still only at $150, hopefully I can raise the rest on my own as fast as possible to get the site back up asap for the members.

I hope you can get the money raised fast man :)

See you all later!
See you all later. Despite however long the site is down FK will always be my favorite forum.

One family, One community.
If anyone is donating, could you please get me Donator? I would love you forever!
Moon Knight said:
I will drop a donation your way shortly. I'm afraid only a small amount though until I get paid.

Also, who is doing the upgrades from the May purchases? Waiting upon 3 awards (Master Donator, Contributor & May)

Sorry to hear about this as well, hopefully moving forward we can sort something out.
Shoot me your paypal email via PM and I will locate the missed payment, sorry about that. Thanks for supporting the site as well.

PS: Still up thanks secret webhost of FK. ;) Bought us a little more time, but that doesn't mean I do not want this paid right away, what is owed is owed and it must be paid right away.
What @Slay said... Cya later you guys...
Moon Knight said:
I'm afraid I have no idea who you are.
Stick around a bit and get to know me first ;-)

Just donated. Sorry it's not much Philly.
At least you are willing, if ForumKorner received just a dollar for each view this would have been paid within the first 15 minutes, instead people are just looking to buy themselves a new gamertag and use the marketplace that potentially could not even be there. It's understandable its been a slow month for me at least so perhaps others... Ill figure it out as I always do.

It all helps Moon Knight you know this. :)
Philly said:
At least you are willing, if ForumKorner received just a dollar for each view this would have been paid within the first 15 minutes, instead people are just looking to buy themselves a new gamertag and use the marketplace that potentially could not even be there. It's understandable its been a slow month for me at least so perhaps others... Ill figure it out as I always do.

It all helps Moon Knight you know this. :)

Fingers crossed.
You know that we are all here to help if ever required.

You've created a home for us :)
Since this thread has eyes any chance I can get the upgrade I paid for last week?
squash said:
Since this thread has eyes any chance I can get the upgrade I paid for last week?
Not without providing details that are required to back up such claims... If you didn't receive your upgrade within 48 hours you should have got in touch and provided your paypal email and it would have been handled near instantly.
@Philly this boy going down orrrr
so when the site going down? it's been 3 hours
Alaska said:
so when the site going down? it's been 3 hours

"PS: Still up thanks secret webhost of FK. Wink Bought us a little more time, but that doesn't mean I do not want this paid right away, what is owed is owed and it must be paid right away."

stop asking when the site goes down be happy it's not and philly got a bit more time from his hosting like he posted here like 20 mins ago
Moon Knight said:
Also, who is doing the upgrades from the May purchases? Waiting upon 3 awards (Master Donator, Contributor & May)
i'm awaiting the may award as well and the profile changes i pm'ed you
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