RealForums Post Contest, RF hit a milestone of 88k posts so we've decided to run a contest. It's very simple, you have 14 days from the date of this post to sign up and make 25 posts. Once the contest ends, I will record a draw to pick the winners. If the winning person doesn't meet the 25 post requirement, I will draw again.
You must post below to enter, your post number will be your entry number. But wait ... there is a twist.... You may post as many times as you like in this thread to improve your chances but keep it to one post per page
$10 BTC
Desire Upgrade
(Worth $22 when including the Envy upgrade)
Two Upgrade Awards
$5 BTC
Envy Upgrade
(Worth $7)
One Upgrade Award
$5 BTC
$10 BTC
Desire Upgrade
(Worth $22 when including the Envy upgrade)
Two Upgrade Awards
$5 BTC
Envy Upgrade
(Worth $7)
One Upgrade Award
$5 BTC
Extra Info
All users from FK also get the FK award just for signing up!
(PM a staff member for your FK award, include your profile URL.)
Please keep spam/trolling to a minimum, any 'junked' posts will not count towards your total.
(PM a staff member for your FK award, include your profile URL.)
Please keep spam/trolling to a minimum, any 'junked' posts will not count towards your total.
A little tip
Make an introduction thread, these usually spark some discussions and you'll most likely get 5 of your post requirement just from your introduction thread.