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Trenchguns said:
Yea, it's quite annoying... but this one actually made me laugh it's so off

I think he is suffering from sleep deprivation.
Kowai said:
oh okay.... Anyway weren't you getting on me before about shit posting? Not nagging or anything, but you make a comment on anything you can, even when someone is trying to end something.

I'm trying not to shit post. I wouldn't consider it as shit posting though, as it's still talking about the topic.
Kowai said:
Yeah but there are a few where you always had to get the last post even if something was solved or done talking about.

Yeah, I admit to doing that. But you must also admit that you shit post.
Kowai said:
I admit that, but I try not to get the last post on anything, and everything. Anyway I'm done arguing now.

We weren't arguing at all. But yeah, I'm also done.
Good luck to all that enter man this can go either way honestly.