5 Year Anniversary Award Contest!

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Power member.
I would like to first start off by saying thanks for those of you that have stuck around over the years, without you and your activity/support we probably would not be still around. Let's make it to ten years guys!

EVERY tenth poster within THIS thread will receive the new 5 year anniversary award. Good luck and enjoy!
I'll have to snipe myself one of these! Thanks P.
Happy 5 years to Forumkorner, and hopefully many more to come.
I'll post here to get the ball rolling :) Thanks @Philly
Glad there is a free way to obtain this, thanks a ton!
Hey lets all try to get the new award shall we?
@anz true man.
You play clash royale?
Rare said:
@anz true man.
You play clash royale?
I do but I don't add anyone, just trying to get a nice account on it first.

@kronu @recognize get in this.
I remember the 3-year Anniversary like it wasn't all too long ago. Jeez.
We all can get the award just keep bumping for each other don't be gay.
Hoping I win this before I sleep good luck!
*Refreshes so I can win the award.* Good luck to all who enters.
Fuck you guys so much. We all had the same idea lmao.
@anz join my clan man, name "Investors"
Why try and snipe this, just help everyone get the award.
@aNz I will download that tonight and see what it's about. Never played something like that.
Hoping I can win this this time wish me luck!
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