50$ PayPal Giveaway.

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BひDDHA said:
I was gonna clothes but you reminded me that I have been wanting a new ig@ so I'd save it

Haha clothes would be alright I'd get me a warriors shirt #bandwagon
Good luck to everyone. Unfortunately I don't make the cut. Haha may the best man win!
Good luck to everyone who is entering for this.
Thanks for the giveaway, put me in at whatever number this is and may the luckiest cunt win ;)
Might as well just send it to me now PM me for my PP email
I'm a trap nigga, all I know is stack
I hit the plug up, then get right at it
Thanks again for this awesome giveaway.
@aware thank you for this man.

Let's get this going everyone
Aware said:
I will be giving away 50$ PayPal.

Must have had a ForumKorner account for more than 1 month.
Must have 3+ rep.

Post as much as you want.
I will be using random.org to decide winner.
Your post number on this thread will be your entry number. You can have as many entry numbers as you want, just keep posting.

I will be doing another money giveaway soon.

Unlike @Bigsean, this is a real giveaway!
hey this would be pretty good to win this thanks for the giveaway
This is very generous! Thanks @Aware

Ill post for a spot and to keep this going. GL everybody!
very generous @Aware

hopefully this is the winning post ;)
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