[600K+ Posts]Primeforums.net - Gaming and Marketplace Forums Since 2009. FK Award ~

I remember this forum, damn.. this was a while ago. Glad to see you are still running this.
Jaii said:
I remember this forum, damn.. this was a while ago. Glad to see you are still running this.

Been running it since 2012, existed since 2009. It won't be going anywhere anytime soon! Thanks buddy.
Azzid said:
Have you thought about adding a favicon yet?

We had one on myBB, just never got round to adding it on Xenforo haha
Thanks for reminding me!
Upgrades for anyone who is Power+ and the award on FK is still available!
You need 20 posts on Primeforums to get the award, and then remain active to keep it.

Zac said:
I've forgotten my password and the email doesn't come through. @"αяυη"

Drop me a PM with the account name and email and I'll sort that for you bud