6m rsgp off 99 pray donate plawks ;_; <3


Power member.
I need 6m to buy the rest of my bones to 99, plawks for the love of god someone help ;_;
If i didnt blow all my RSGP away on my Gambling addiction (ninja imp jars) i would help :(
Here, I will give you 75 planks from my bank. Don't know how it benefits with prayer.
not being an ass o_O but im 142% sure that your rich in rs?
You are so rich I really don't see why you need the help. Also, I would help, but my 2m isn't sufficient funding for your project.
Carbon needing 6m? I woulda never guessed this.
I sold everything, and this is a combat only account no skills, nada.

i want 99 pray ;/
I thought it was range only? Why would you need over 90?
NickVsYou said:
No idea why you would get 99, just get 92, you're a range tank that's all you need.

Were all converting to bossing, I'm going to need it.
I have no problem paying back soon as I start throwing my "harpoon" at some gmails.
Carbon said:
I have no problem paying back soon as I start throwing my "harpoon" at some gmails.

This is very clever.
I see what you did there.