6m rsgp off 99 pray donate plawks ;_; <3

Carbon said:
Were all converting to bossing, I'm going to need it.
Yeah, i know we are.
But you shouldn't get it dude, get 92 at the most, you don't need 99.

Get your herblore up, that's gonna help us more doing pvm than the prayer levels.
Once i'm done getting my 90 herb, i'll let you use my bot if you need it.
And btw, from 70-90 it's only like 40m.. so it's not bad.
And if you want, you can use my idung bot to get chaotic crossbow, or even the ranged prayers.
NickVsYou said:
Yeah, i know we are.
But you shouldn't get it dude, get 92 at the most, you don't need 99.

Get your herblore up, that's gonna help us more doing pvm than the prayer levels.
Once i'm done getting my 90 herb, i'll let you use my bot if you need it.
And btw, from 70-90 it's only like 40m.. so it's not bad.
And if you want, you can use my idung bot to get chaotic crossbow, or even the ranged prayers.

70-90 herb is 40m?

And I've been itching to have 99 pray for almost 7 years, I was going to get it about two months back but I had 800m scammed off me.

The 70-90 herb is a good idea, as I have enough cash for it, i think.
Carbon said:
70-90 herb is 40m?

And I've been itching to have 99 pray for almost 7 years, I was going to get it about two months back but I had 800m scammed off me.

The 70-90 herb is a good idea, as I have enough cash for it, i think.
Yeah, and it's only 40k potions, and the bot i'll give you makes 2.2k potions /hr, so it's fast and cheap.

Save your money for maxed ranged :)

NickVsYou said:
Yeah, and it's only 40k potions, and the bot i'll give you makes 2.2k potions /hr, so it's fast and cheap.

Save your money for maxed ranged :)

Jump on skype, you've convinced me to not get it for now I need help planning the grind.
Send me a pic of you showing your stats and the EXP till 99 prayer, and I'll think :)
Carbon said:
I have no problem paying back soon as I start throwing my "harpoon" at some gmails.

My latest harpoon was thrown back at me, unfortunately.