A few decent twitters

added a couple of new ones, still selling :D
Chaz said:
hint: boxing
BIN: $15
C/O: $0

hint: he was an h*on*ur student
BIN: $25
C/O: $0

hint: Santa Clause rides in a one horse open sl*ig*
BIN: $25
C/O: $0

hint: you might wear these in the winter if you're cold
BIN: $20
C/O: $0

hint: girls name
BIN: $30
C/O: $0

hint: this is what bears do in the winter

hint: ur fat
BIN: $25
C/O: $0

hint: color
BIN: $20
C/O: $0


hint: some animals can change depending on their environment
BIN: $20
C/O: $0


hint: girls get these when on their periods
BIN: $40
C/O: $20 - @Cess

hint: you might use this to brush your hair
BIN: $30
C/O: $0

hint: an italian boat
BIN: $40
C/O: $0

hint: another name for a dress
BIN: $45

hint: when you do a flip
BIN: $40

hint: membrane
BIN: $30

hint: an ancient egyptian material/scroll
BIN: $50

I am open to all offers! cheers

i'll throw $30 on cr*mps , lmk when outbid
still for sale, added a couple of new ones. all prices negotiable! thanks:)