About to leave RG

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Oxide said:
He does it on all screenshot's he post's trying to get attention.

Oh and what is even funnier is that Mike is offline

Also moved this into the correct forum.

What does that have to do with anything, if I ask staff to do anything, he's always the one to do it, and I don't do it to try and get attention, I watched it earlier and forgot to close out of it, sorry I like to spank my monkey.

Oxide said:
It is clearly readable.

I couldn't tell what you said either.
Opening rg on my phone during my break=\= active
@Oxide as much as I disagree with the making of this thread, that post was so poorly constructed and I had no idea what you were trying to say.
Oxide said:
It is clearly readable.
Readable, yes.
Understandable? Not entirely..

Platinum Sif said:
I couldn't tell what you said either.
Reality said:
@Oxide as much as I disagree with the making of this thread, that post was so poorly constructed and I had no idea what you were trying to say.
Storm said:
You should invest in proper grammar my friend. It makes life so much easier.

Some people's first language isn't English my friend.. My first language isn't even English but it's clearly readable.
I looked at each individual staff's online time after you posted the thread and they haven't refreshed within 50-60 mins. I really don't know why you are complaining.
You can close this thread now, I just downloaded it for safe keeping, I'll just go lurk, and maybe play LoL. Thanks for proving all of my points though.
Platinum Sif said:
You can close this thread now, I just downloaded it for safe keeping, I'll just go lurk, and maybe play LoL. Thanks for proving all of my points though.

No points were proved. You posted no pics of anyone's online time after you posted the thread. So all your arguments are invalid.
Now go cry more, and leave. Just message me if you want a ban to keep you go. Oh wait, you won't.
Oxide said:
He does it on all screenshot's he post's trying to get attention.

Oh and what is even funnier is that Mike is offline

Can one not sleep :eek:?
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