Bought some Common Projects for the low
2 e z
2 e z
Fedora said:Nice, are they the achilles low?
meow░w░w▒w▒w▓w▓ said:
retail price for these slip ons are unjustifiable, but this price is 100 emoji
coltie2 said:Ayyyy those are sexyI hope everything goes good, I swear to god the last 3 things I've bought on grailed the fools didn't send me shit so I had to contact paypal and blahblahblah.
SINR said:Those are some goofy ass lookin slip ons
Rare said:I mean, if you like this kind of shit then it's nice.
elite said:Lol theyre not slip ons theyre balenciaga arenas idiot
elite said:@color these are italian leather compared to shitty canvas... sure they have less durability
I just scooped up some black Cp lows for $170 Its Lit