Aim Jacked

This similar thing happened to me also, just with the AIM: Brown
Kaeden said:
This similar thing happened to me also, just with the AIM: Brown

I posted the cookies to that like 3+ months ago because some fucker (Which now that i think about it, was probably@ doug) tried stealing it. I love aim, but just dont bother with them. I have a text list of dozens of aims cookies.
Goofball said:
I have having a conversation with the aim "Phobia". He asked me if was working and if I was the same owner. Then I signed into (I made sure it was the real website) and it worked. So I told him then I got signed out and can't sign back in. Fuck.

My aim was "Dark". I bought it from @"Trap". @"Vincent" owns Phobia.

No proof cause the fucker didn't show chat and stuff.

Edit: I tried clicking forgot password and it still showed my email, but when I clicked next, it said it wasn't available. Now I have to try again in 24 hours.

edit 2: Trap.. you promised me a refund if it gets taken back..

@Goofball the user @Critical messaged me from that aim a few hours ago
Lol wow this is still around?!
Someone did this to me when I owned "orange"
Critical said:
@Sleep, check again you blind fucking retard. It says dare not dark.

@Critical cry me a river bro because I'm super gay
Goofball said:
I know. It was my fault. I don't know anything about aims and should have done some "research" before purchasing one. I would be more than thankful for the $30 refund.

@Trap shouldn't have to give you back shit man, you got your cookies stolen which is your fault, nothing to do with him. Also as he said he is broke, has bills to pay and also he has a kid soo...