I've recently been prescribed Adderall. Yesterday morning I took 9 10 mg pills, which was already a bad idea considering my limit is 1 within every 4 hours. But I was doing OK until we went and matched and eighth. Everything was alright and smooth rolling through the smoke sesh, then all of a sudden everybody's voice around me was disoriented, and my people kept trying to talk to me, the beat changed, and my heart started racing. We finished smoking and started our hour long drive back which I don't remember but I presume it was rough considering I didn't have any cigarettes from smoking them earlier. Fast forward it's 9 at night and I've got about 9 people trying to take me to the ER and I have so much in my system I wouldn't let them. But my friend had me walk for like 30 minutes because I was pouring out sweat, trying to get either some of the weed or Adderall out my system. Literally, I've fucked with some crazy stuff, but last night I thought it was over.
Moral of the story, don't mix insane amounts of Adderall with weed, you can't handle it, I promise..
Moral of the story, don't mix insane amounts of Adderall with weed, you can't handle it, I promise..