Almost died last night


Active Member
I've recently been prescribed Adderall. Yesterday morning I took 9 10 mg pills, which was already a bad idea considering my limit is 1 within every 4 hours. But I was doing OK until we went and matched and eighth. Everything was alright and smooth rolling through the smoke sesh, then all of a sudden everybody's voice around me was disoriented, and my people kept trying to talk to me, the beat changed, and my heart started racing. We finished smoking and started our hour long drive back which I don't remember but I presume it was rough considering I didn't have any cigarettes from smoking them earlier. Fast forward it's 9 at night and I've got about 9 people trying to take me to the ER and I have so much in my system I wouldn't let them. But my friend had me walk for like 30 minutes because I was pouring out sweat, trying to get either some of the weed or Adderall out my system. Literally, I've fucked with some crazy stuff, but last night I thought it was over.
Moral of the story, don't mix insane amounts of Adderall with weed, you can't handle it, I promise..
Crazy shit man, I know @samus takes/took adderall.
Glad you're doing well, next time don't be a fucking idiot about that and be careful lololololol
Yeah I snorted about 50mg of vyvanse then ate a whole pot brownie thinking it wouldn't affect me 50mins in I was playing mortal kombat x subzero and my guy went from blue to purple I ran to the bathroom to check me eyes and my pupils were moving big to small I looked up online how to get rid of the high I ran outside in boxers when it was raining trying to sweat that shit out it didn't even work I couldn't feel my legs when I was running either worst high ever
@Rare on God dude fuck that shit. I've snorted Percs done 4 tabs of Cid at a time, fucked with Oxy, Molly, sipped on lean, just after fucking with things for so long I thought I was cool but hot damn was I wrong.

@Producer no kidding b, I was like I've fucked with harder things, I'll be cool, nonono..

@Samus that's crazy bro my friends were saying the same thing about my eyes. I'm lucky in the sense that I was at least sweating. When I woke up I felt like ass for a few hours but I'm pretty chill now.
Real moral of the story: don't be a fucking retard.
Crazy shit, i fuck with natural shit only.
@Color Wow man, let's put that one in the surprise box.

@Julian we just finished matching an 8th a few hours before
Don't do drugs.. at all. Become an all natural shaman and drink the milk of the goat.

I'm happy you didn't die on us.I would be sad:( Be more careful man.
coltie2 said:
Don't do drugs.. at all. Become an all natural shaman and drink the milk of the goat.

I'm happy you didn't die on us.I would be sad:( Be more careful man.

some shrooms sound better

or some LSA
One time I thought I was dying, I literally took like 8 ecstasy pills and smoked weed over a 36 hour period without sleep.

I was just sat chilling in my friends garden and I saw a red rash on my arm, and I thought I'd taken a bad pill, I panicked so bad my heart was racing and shit & I literally got so nervous I threw up.

Eventually I took another 2 pills and ignored it for the rest of the night.

Woke up in the morning to realise it was heatstroke. yeah.

drugs fuck you up kids
good thing i don't do drugs, i only fucks with the weeds!!
Damn I have done 3 oxy before and smoked a blunt and felt nauseous af for 30min. but never had anything near your experience. Glad you're ok and can learn from it lol.