Amped's #5 Account Give Away

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314, I had bought a dbower before and had it for 2 days, then it got banned and I didn't get my money back, but really I just want a sick dbower.
I pick number 4215. I think it's correct.
654, cuz thats what i typed with my cat on me.
I want it because I really want to get into pvping again.

Number 223
3, i love pking so i would love this acc.
Lol yall don't have to tell me why yall want it over and over, just guess a number.
I'd like this account because my last pure got banned and I've never had a truly successful pking account, seems like a quick start to have fun.
I guess the number 2,180. Going to be my only guess so hopefully I get the 1 in 5000 number correct, hah.
I wanna pk like a baws.
Number 72.
Still looking for the special number, some people have gotten close.
6245 is my number. I hope I win, I would love to make a nice pure out of this account. = )
#1 s my number. I want this account because I like it =D
I want the account cause it looks fun to pk on while i bot my other accounts and i quess 197 :)
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