Anonymous Award Buyin

⚔ said:
@Rambo I'll buy this now, lmk when you're ready. Didn't see this thread lol good thing I was strolling around

5 koins sent
Done, you have just been granted the award.
500 said:
Vouch for @rambo, he will grant this award within minutes (if he is online).
I already granted it to you sir.
Thanks ya for the award buddy! :)
500 said:
Oops, I forgot to erase one of my words what I was going to originally say.
Oh ok well this award is still for sale guys.
Game Freak said:
Just sent you 5 koins.
Hope to get the award ASAP.
Done and Done thanks man remember to Stay Anonymous.
paid it hmu with the award broski lmk if you want mine.
i want this but i can't afford it ;(
Wiz said:
Sent you them go ahead buy the award

Thank you @Wiz
I sent the koins!