Another PayPal giveaway

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I understand I've been watching since I was young so it stuck around but I've been at this house by myself for like an hour while my family is "getting tools" @rare
Why is getting tools in quotations? @ponyo
Yeah you're too slow for my personal liking. @zack
I don't know @rare they were only supposed to get one tool it shouldn't take an hour
Oh from like a store? Maybe they're having fun in the car. @ponyo
Ye @rare and they can have all the fun they want I made this house cold asf and I'm about to blast music
Shake the fuck out of your windows am I right? @ponyo
Hell yeah, makes me wanna buy a speaker set so shit really is shaking
I have a tiny set, gets the job done though. @ponyo
@feel you're not gonna win with popping in every now and then.
@rare how much did your set up cost and @feel me and @rare over here telling each other life stories gotta keep up m88
Too lazy to list all the shit lol. @ponyo
@feel what you up to?
Just sitting here playing mw3 and ripping bong tokes, how about you @rare
I'm watching Keemstar's livestream, doing good. @feel
Damn already about to hit #200
@rare not bad, I never really liked watching livestreans tbh

Everyone post on the koin giveaway, were so close
Yeah it's not a huge thing of mine, so many chats they can never see yours. @feel
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