Another PayPal giveaway

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Not yet, I need you replying for posts. @ponyo
Thanks @feel but I need 106 more to get on top posters.
True plus I gotta win this @rare
Yeah would be nice but it's whatever if I lose, I'll probably buy koins as I want to do a giveaway of my own. @ponyo
@rare I don't really understand all of these koin things tbh is there a main section for it?
There is normally a shop to buy things with but has been down for a while. @ponyo
Oh damn well do you know who runs it @rare
It's built in to the site, just not up right now. @ponyo
Send me your koins :pandasFY:
Well after I see if I can afford anything >:) @rare
Onyx is 36 koins, everything higher is a lot more. @ponyo
Brb sending you my koins LMAO @rare
Yeah expensive stuff, thanks a ton by the way. @ponyo
Thanks @grin I'm grinding hard for this.
I'm pretty sure I sent koins I don't really know the process @rare
Yeah you sent 22, thanks a ton. @ponyo
What you up to btw?
Oh damn I didn't even notice @rare whenever I open it says I have 22 ._. Even after I sent them and I'm just chilling probably make food you?
Well you always have 9 more to send. Also I'm watching YouTube. @ponyo
Well I'll send them over in a bit and nice nice music or YouTubers?
YouTubers and music, depends if I'm posting a lot. @ponyo
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