Any tips on How to get a good og?


Just wondering what you guys have to say im kinda new to this thing just tryin to get started up

Feedback appreciated i am also willing to pay 3200 msp for a one word oG

Feedback appreciated i am also willing to pay 3200 msp for a one word oG
Suctional said:
Just wondering what you guys have to say im kinda new to this thing just tryin to get started up

Feedback appreciated i am also willing to pay 3200 msp for a one word oG

Feedback appreciated i am also willing to pay 3200 msp for a one word oG

Don't do deals without a Middle man. I learned the hard way.

Middle men are people that take the money from the buyer, and the account from the seller, and make sure both are legit, then they give the proper info and money to the users.
How do u find a trusted middle man that wont scam either person
Use Jon as a middle man or a trusted middle man with the title
Who is jon and how do i contact him?
Suctional said:
Who is jon and how do i contact him?

Who is Jon? Jon is the law!
No but really heres a link to his profile :)
Whenever you try to buy a gamertag ALWAYS use a legit Middle man it really helps to stop people from scamming
MM helps and then make sure to learn some of the details of accounts! Like, banned or whats attached and how to secure it (read the stickies! )
Also, most good OG are/or can be prepare to do a lot of bidding/offering.
Oh jesus. Another noob with msp. Do not EVER give a random person msp for a tag or anything on xbl. You will always get scammed 100%.
Hit me up man. I have some tags I wont post for obvious reasons. And I'm Legit :p
Um.. Do u want one of these GTs? Manifest, Thunder Gun, Reaffix.
i can give u 2-3 of them for ur 3200! if u dont trust meh, even if im onyx, we can find a middle man.
preferrably Jon, cuz Jon IS THE LAW! :) Just message meh back if interested!
K thanks for the feedback guys

If you have any gts to offer i prefer u to pm me