Anybody know of cool gts that are not take??

I know gullible isn't taken.
My tag is Go Kevin. I suggest doing something like Go (Insert your first name here). Or you could do Go (Insert cool word here).
Monkey D. Luffy said:
Come on now, did u really just fall for that?

hahaha you never know though !

awhile back somebody posted this and people actually gave out some gts not taken .
If someone knew a tag that wasn't taken they would take it.
I think. :D
superior said:
hahaha you never know though !

awhile back somebody posted this and people actually gave out some gts not taken .

I made "whuv" yesterday. You should try "IBDK" or "I8DK" cuz it looks like a little happy stick figure.
I know for sure that the tag xxSdismw0332xx isnt taken! :)