[ARCHIVED] Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

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RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

Ireppgold said:
mmm not to flame here but we've alraedy got sum1 on 2100 points :/ and climbing fast, also he has elite so he will have more points per reply


My goal is 3k points by tonight. It's the weekend so.. hell yeahh.
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

the_lol said:

My goal is 3k points by tonight. It's the weekend so.. hell yeahh.

well good luck with that mate, im wanting 1k points by the end of it, but i doubt it ahah =/
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

Ryu™ said:
well good luck with that mate, im wanting 1k points by the end of it, but i doubt it ahah =/

Thanks bro.
You can easily get 300 more points in a few hours.
Seeing as you are Elite, you can get it way easier.
I got 1.7k points with normal member status before I upgraded. Took me a long time, but just staying active helps.
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

the_lol said:
Thanks bro.
You can easily get 300 more points in a few hours.
Seeing as you are Elite, you can get it way easier.
I got 1.7k points with normal member status before I upgraded. Took me a long time, but just staying active helps.

ahah, very true, alost 200 :D, but thanks you too mate
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

Ryu™ said:
ahah, very true, alost 200 :D, but thanks you too mate

dont worry lol. points arnt to hard to get if your elite. youll get there easily
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

Megaman.EXE said:
And if you have Sponsor you'll be taking a dump on everyone's face xD lmao

that is a DEFINANT yes lol :D youll catch up to The_Lol and win. im pretty much certain about that
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

Ireppgold said:
that is a DEFINANT yes lol :D youll catch up to The_Lol and win. im pretty much certain about that

I'm counting on that. I'd be ahead right now but noooooo I got called into work. I'm pulling an all nighter though ;) Just gotta make it to 3AM Sunday morning <33
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

hehehe ima call an allnighter tonigh aswell :D i tried last night and i fell asleep on my keyboard -.-
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

heheheheh i always wake up with a woody :D i dont know why
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

the_lol said:

My goal is 3k points by tonight. It's the weekend so.. hell yeahh.


Holy Hell that is alot Make sure its HQ :]
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

Beau™ said:

Holy Hell that is alot Make sure its HQ :]

I don't like to spam. :)
I'm just overly active.
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

Lol, the_lol has won 25M GRATZ!
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

I cant see past the top 10 so I'm scared Im not gonna make it to top 12 :/
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

Rakeya, Relax! I'll make a contest and you can try to earn some money from that.
RE: Rune Gear - 50M RSGP Give Away

:( Ends today and today I joined ffs.. God! :(

Well I will wait for next contest
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