RE: Sectional Moderator Applications
Name: Rakeya (pm me for my real name, i feel unsafe saying aloud)
Timezone: EST
DOB: 1997 (i am 14 years old, pm me if you would like an accurate date)
Section: Runescape General Discussion or Runescape Hacking Discussion
Why: I feel i would be a great candidate in these forums because I have been loyal to runegear for many many months. I have helped out a lot of people, and have been a trusty gold seller for a long time, with 0 scam reports, and I've always had a satisfied customer. I gave runescape a break, as i made a confirmation thread about it, but i decided i must comeback because of the bot nuke, i feel GP will rise with the abomination of bots. With my comeback, I have tried to be a high quality member in anything I do, I also, know a great deal of the game, as I have been a member of runescape since 2005.
Now onto why you should pick me for runescape hacking. I had started a runescape hacking forums a while back, but I never had any form of advertisements, so my forums never reached any potential. Knowing i can moderate a runescape hacking forums with great member activity is a great goal for me to reach, especially when it's for Runegear. Also, i have been a very good hacker for over a year, specialized in runescape. I can teach members a great deal, and I will know if a member is posting a virus or a legit program. I have high quality posts, and will be delighted to moderate in something i specialize the best in, Runescape Hacking.