Quad said:
If you do not have a god to say it nicely how do you derive meaning from the world
We have a biological meaning, which is simply, to reproduce.
Everything else is just a result of evolution, we have evolved to the point that we can do such things as question our existence, and that is why (in my opinion) we had thought of gods. It's impossible to explain gods, and it is very hard to explain evolution. I decided that if I truly had to choose what I believe in, it would be the more logical way, in my opinion. As believing in a god does invoke good morals, there are also flaws, in which people blame their mistakes on gods. Sometimes, even the odd case in which a man will say god told him to kill, which is absurd and I believe the biggest excuse for being a worthless human being.
If we did have a meaning, it would be to learn. Because that is what we do, but if a god existed, why would half the world be starving to death? Why would war criminals kill millions of people because of their appearance or religious beliefs? Why would terrorists exist? War, if it is not fought over land, is almost always fought over religion.
Given all of this, to relate back to the main point, how would saying a god told you the world was going to end be proof to any extent. It isn't, and therefore it is irrelevant.
Lastly, don't think of me as a heartless, lifeless science machine. I am just a normal person who decided to believe in something other than a higher being, but I really don't "praise" what I believe in, I just don't bother believing in anything. I prefer to have my morals and just live my life.
Ps. If you read all of that, your a great person