
Ok, I'll hit you back up, I'll probably have them later this week .
Venomous said:
i have a better og and i want to swap that on a 6 year tenure

Would you be willing to sell that og? or no?
If so whats the og, pm me, the gt and price:) Thanks!

Jedi said:
Im Bumble Bee. And I think he put me as MM because Im the original owner of Atlantic, and one of the most legit on this site. Besides Admins and Staff

just cuz u have +rep doesnt make u legit lmao
Vouch, user added me on the tag. Bumblebee is legit.
I don't know what makes Jedi so legit, I suggest getting more vouches before saying your one of the most legit people on the site when you haven't even been on it longer than a month.