[Autobuy] Delete Almost ANY Facebook Account [$5.99] [Paypal]


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Justice said:
Delete Almost ANY Facebook Account

You always have that one super annoying person on Facebook,
or maybe you just want to get revenge on someone. Well! In this guide I
will be showing you how you can delete almost any of your friend's
Facebook.com account!

How long does it take to delete the victims account?
It takes only 2-4 minutes of work, and 1-2 weeks of waiting time.

Can this method delete EVERYBODY's Facebook?
I cannot gurantee everybodys, but atleast 90%.
This method will help get rid of the average person's Facebook account
and not celeberties or well known people.

Will I be able to access this persons account before it gets deleted?
No. You will have no access to their account before its deleted nor will
you know what their password was or is.

Information on this E-Book
This EBook is fully written by me and I have not seen this method
anywhere else. There is 3 pages and there is 357 words total with some images.

Title: Delete Almost ANY Facebook Account
Author: Destinant
Pages: 3
Description: Guide on how to delete your friend's facebook accounts.
Payment Options: Paypal
Copies Available: Unlimited.
Resale Rights: $50
Price: $5.99

What will I need to do this?
- Common Sense
- Victims Full Name
- Victims Timeline / Profile URL
- Email they signed up with
All of those information can easily be found just by looking at their account.

Click Below to buy this guide for $5.99 via Paypal!

cool story kid you hacking and deleeating peoples account not cool. i can report you to the facebook group and then you can say good bye to your future


User is banned.
This will come in handy!
Time for revenge for a lot of us haha.

Schoolboy Q

User is banned.
I might buy this, this could be handy to say the least :p