AWARD: Is RuneScape more enjoyable without botting?

Is RuneScape More Enjoyable Without Botting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It hasn't changed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Onyx user!
When the bot nuke occurred, is RuneScape generally more enjoyable without botting? Post your argument here and vote in the poll. Best 2 arguments win the award:

Good luck.
Yes Runescape is a lot better without bots everywhere is not packed anymore, everything is more expensive meaning when you skill your actually making good money off it. When bots were here all the prices of items were very very cheap.
I believe runescape is better however sometimes botting would have been more enjoyable I mean who wan't's to sit at their computer for hours on end getting 80 woodcutting doing the same thing which is 100% repetitive, just to get a requirment for a quest which are what is really fun in the game, the Quests, boss fight's.

Botting enabled me to enjoy the game's higher level of entertainment better.
I'm botting as we speak lol...

and bot's are back .. runescape's ammount of players is also gaining again allong with bot users lol
The fun of the game (because once you are maxed I'm sure you'll get bored fast) is training and working for your awards. It takes so long for the reason it is a core part of the game, and intended to be fun. That's why I think 100% botting is a waste. But every now & then is fine.

(more fun without botting was my vote)
In my personal opinion, I think that Botting has ruined the game, in a very big way. There has been a decrease in many members, throughout the bot nuke. I think that the game has become more successful with the bots being removed, since more legit players play. I liked how the bots where removed, and if they come back I'll be pretty shocked.
Runescape without botting is the best thing that has ever happened.
I mean, I remember when I was fighting over one runite rock with 60 botters. It was hell.
Although botting was annoying to deal with, when the bots were nuked the GE prices of items went literally crazy.
I mean, chins are back up to 1.5k ea!
Botting is already back but pretending it isn't, I'll give it a go ^^

The enjoyment one experiences with bots no longer playing a major role in the game all comes down to personal opinion. Obviously, there's no yes or no, or right or wrong answer. Personally, I don't have an opinion simply because it doesn't exist. Botting is all I've done for the past however many years, so I've either botted with bots or world hopped until there were none. Aside from its PvP aspect, I never really enjoyed playing RuneScape which is why I took a major interest in the botting community. Enjoyment levels for playing the game were non existent, but being able to see my skills continually improve without actually needing to sit down and click for hours on end.. That was enjoyable, and knowing that I could create an account and have it set for PvP in a fortnight while doing other things was a great feeling.

In the eyes of the average player, however, levels of satisfaction one would experience in the game after the removal of bots would've greatly increased.
Bots supplied a large number of resources, and without them it has now created a much larger demand for resource items, and therefore has created a major price increase. Players are now able to sacrifice XP gain for monetary gain, and resource gathering becomes much more profitable, and, in turn, somewhat fun. This doesn't just include trees, fish and ore. It covers the majority of activities within RuneScape.
Take Green Dragons for example. It was a good money making method and a decent XP gain as well, but the area was flooded with bots, meaning it was virtually pointless for players to bother with such activities as the profits and experience gained over the time taken just wasn't worth it.
Now, however, players are able to kill such NPCs and have fun, knowing that the next one that spawns will be for them, and not spammed upon by 12 other accounts that have a program in place of a player playing the game.

All in all, for legitimate players, the game is a much more enjoyable experience knowing that you are competing against other players for resources and other items/areas/whatever, and not a program.

From the likes of myself, however, it's not more nor less enjoyable, it simply just.. 'Is,' and when botting returns, I will glady embrace it.

(Even though it already has :p )
I could go on longer, but I made it briefer for members' sakes ^^,
I'm starting small with 24M and making a Zerker Pure - Honestly, I can do some skills like 1-30 strength, then I get too bored and pull out epicbot or Runedream lol.
Yes and No, I think the recent bot nuke has ruined the economy, although i think the recent game updates have made up for that, and have made a "Bot free" runescape more enjoyable.. (i know they are slightly back but not in mass)
I voted for yes.

I'm one of those people who used to bot all the time (with a VPS, etc) and used to farm gold as much as I could. But the day that the bot nuke hit I realised how much I don't want this game to go. So I quit botting completely and haven't botted ever since. Even though I'm on botting sites e.g. RuneDream, Powerbot etc.
It never changed for me, I personally liked botting better because resources cost a lot less when everybody is getting them so it was easier to get the achievements for cheaper than if nobody got them, and there wasn't a decent Supply and Demand.
If that makes sense.
Reason why i hated botting so much is because everytime i wanted to train every single spot was full and i couldn't train one bit even all the less popular spots we're all filled.
No, Runescape is more enjoyable with botting. I believe this because while training and doing many things legit can be fun, it often times is boring. In fact, it is boring. While on the other hand if you have a bot do everything for you, once achieved those levels you want you can have fun with those maxed stats and that dunegoneering weapon you've always wanted but never had the time to get. Botting enhances the experience of Runescape for those who are smart enough to beat the system. Your simply rewarding yourself.
I find it the same thing with or without bots.
I barely played with bots, I don't even know why I used to bot, I just got everything I wanted (a good armour and some stats) and then I was like "what now".
Now, without bots, I only login like every 2 weeks, kill a few Hill Giants, and then log out.
I botted a lot in runescape, the thrill of doing something against the rules and getting away with it was awesome though I never had a sense of pride associated with my skills. The adventure of getting some amount of money or reaching a desired skill level yourself feels much better than having a bot do it. If you are one of those people that cares about the game and being a part of the community then you voted yes runescape is better without bots. To people that took pride in the game they were like an addiction that they had to use but none of them truly wanted to be a part of. That is just my opinion. ;)