Banned GT "Against"

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Well-Known Member
Had this Gamertag for a while. Thought it was useless having it. So i got it appraised at $15-$20


Name is worth more if you guys can get it off a banned account.
So im selling it, Also not looking for copious amounts of cash. might consider a trade too.

Thanks, Laracite

Bid: $12 by Hey.
Not the best tag. And banned tag sales are down. GLWS anyhow.
Hey thanks Tupac. And Bat you have no vouches. and being not known. what will you do with a banned tag?

i know i cant talk bout vouches and rep. But ive been around GT's for a while now.
Well i am trying to get out there you know. I recently bought a tag off Twilight if that helps. I just like the name thats all
I'll give you 10$ for this Hmu on my aim : Exist
I also might have a tag to trade for this
bumping this shit up. good luck with sales man.
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