Banned Gt Atlantic

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It's times like these i wish i had the unbam method, GLWS.
How did this get banned? Didn't Stoned have this and it wasn't?
Nike said:
How did this get banned? Didn't Stoned have this and it wasn't?

Got scammed by stoned and he called the tag in right after i got it
PM'd you regarding this tag. Hope to hear back soon.
ill buy it right now for 20pp, hit me up on aim Supr.a
Nice gamertag shame it's banned , thanks for posting proof good luck selling this.
A good friend of mine use to own this and it was taken from him, I do not vouch cause of this.
Raptor said:
A good friend of mine use to own this and it was taken from him, I do not vouch cause of this.

Taken? stoned had this b4 and got it banned
Wikipedia said:
Taken? stoned had this b4 and got it banned

Before him and before Hustle and whoever else was involved. I feel sorry for the kid...
Raptor said:
Before him and before Hustle and whoever else was involved. I feel sorry for the kid...

oh idk bout that but I got it from stoned
My friend had this tag, he hasn't told me his side of the story but he got banned for scamming someone. I don't feel entirely bad for who lost it because he scammed with it.
I think $40 is a little to high since its banned, but GLWS!
There is a possiblity that I will trade you the banned "Frag" for this. Frag has 800 MSP on it but like I said it is also banned. I will let you know tomorrow.
Warrior said:
There is a possiblity that I will trade you the banned "Frag" for this. Frag has 800 MSP on it but like I said it is also banned. I will let you know tomorrow.
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