Banned Tag Swap Method.

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Jock said:
They never showed proof of ever unbanning a gamertag.

Don't know why almost everyone is so gullible.

Like he said, rep's can't lift bans.

Reps can lift bans, depending on who you get. Some reps are actually part of the Ban Dispute team or have Moderator friends who they talk to and get the tags unbanned instantly on the call.

Juqa said:
Reps can lift bans, depending on who you get. Some reps are actually part of the Ban Dispute team or have Moderator friends who they talk to and get the tags unbanned instantly on the call.


"Ban Dispute team"

"Moderator friends"

LMAO, i'm sorry, that's to funny.

Juqa said:
Reps can lift bans, depending on who you get. Some reps are actually part of the Ban Dispute team or have Moderator friends who they talk to and get the tags unbanned instantly on the call.


LOL You obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Hat said:
Agents cannot lift bans. Only the enforcement team, which there are 12. And you can't get on a phone call with a enforcement team or XBL Pet. So God knows how your tag got unbanned. Lucky i guess?

Well like i said. MS told me and Cesar the same thing.

They can only Swap the Banned Tag. The ban will stay on the account along with everything else.

Cesar has proof in writing of MS saying "from my rescources I can lift the ban but not transfer the live"

I am waiting for Him to get Gyazo Pro to access all the screenshots.
And Cesar rang MS to get the Tag Restorers Swapped.
Junior said:
LOL You obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I'm sorry, who is the person with the working unban method here?

You obviously have no regard for the truth, so yet again;


Also as for moderator friends, yes. They work in the same fucking centers, so of course they become friends.
Juqa said:
I'm sorry, who is the person with the working unban method here?

You obviously have no regard for the truth, so yet again;


Also as for moderator friends, yes. They work in the same fucking centers, so of course they become friends.

LOL What tag did you get unbanned sir? Restorers? MS probably felt bad because that's such a shitty gamertag.
Juqa said:
I'm sorry, who is the person with the working unban method here?

You obviously have no regard for the truth, so yet again;


Also as for moderator friends, yes. They work in the same fucking centers, so of course they become friends.

I'm sorry, who is the person who hasn't shown an ounce of proof here?

Junior said:
LOL What tag did you get unbanned sir? Restorers? MS probably felt bad because that's such a shitty gamertag.

Lmao, dats harsh.
Valiant said:
Jock can you please stfu....

Jock and Junior(omg thanks for making my night with that comment) both have a point, no evidence/proof has been supplied and how about you guys lift a ban on a tag that we al know i banned like: Ability, C H, O O, Tropical
Hope said:
Jock and Junior(omg thanks for making my night with that comment) both have a point, no evidence/proof has been supplied and how about you guys lift a ban on a tag that we al know i banned like: Ability, C H, O O, Tropical

If you still have Tropical, mind hitting me up. I want to unban to use as my main.
Juqa said:
If you still have Tropical, mind hitting me up. I want to unban to use as my main.

Thanks for letting us know the tag you'll never get unbanned.
Hope said:
Jock and Junior(omg thanks for making my night with that comment) both have a point, no evidence/proof has been supplied and how about you guys lift a ban on a tag that we al know i banned like: Ability, C H, O O, Tropical

Vouch for this, No proof or anything....
Jock said:
Thanks for letting us know the tag you'll never get unbanned.

LOL Even if it does get unbanned I'm going to get it perm banned again just to piss him off.
Guys they dont care if you dont believe them. They arent selling the method anyway... Its for their own personal gain to unban tags and resell them on the market. They dont need to prove anything.
Seriously, The Tag may not be Good or anything. I gave it to Cesar as a trial.

Do not Flame against me. Im only trying to help business out for him.
As for Juqa he told me his method which is pretty much the same as this one. He knows it works. and i have my old Main Tag back.
Juwa has unbanned Tags with his method aswell.

Say what you will. Once you try this method and find out about it Most of you will be surprised. All further Info will go to Cesar im over the Trolling/Crap.
Im not the one thats going to get a bad name over this. From now on im keeping things to myself. I am on this forum to help out and im getting nailed for it.

You guys need to accept that your not the only ones with working methods and never will be. Theres always a way around doing stuff. Whether it be easy or Hard theres always a way.

And Junior im not gonna express my thoughts on you, Im not like that. Just shut it next time.

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