Beer Pong


Power member.
is it any fun?

i would rather just drink then play a drinking game but just wondering your opinions.
It puts a game and drinking into one so yes it is fun.

Although Beer Pong is extremely fun, and combines two of my favourite activities(Drinking and Games). I honestly prefer Flip Cup. It is far more simplistic, has far less rules, and you get a lot more drinking in faster. Also in Flip Cup although it requires less skill, the pure simplicity makes it more fun, kind of like how Pokemon Yellow is way better than Pokemon Black and White.

Both games are fun, it is just that Flip Cup, in my opinion, is more fun.

Quad said:

Although Beer Pong is extremely fun, and combines two of my favourite activities(Drinking and Games). I honestly prefer Flip Cup. It is far more simplistic, has far less rules, and you get a lot more drinking in faster. Also in Flip Cup although it requires less skill, the pure simplicity makes it more fun, kind of like how Pokemon Yellow is way better than Pokemon Black and White.

Both games are fun, it is just that Flip Cup, in my opinion, is more fun.

ive never heard of flip cup. i do remember playing root beer pong when i was younger though xD. i just dont think we played out we were suppose too.
yea beer pong is fun flip cup is just funny when played with a good crowd
Superman said:
I don't drink, and I feel none of you are 21+.
yeah im definitely not 21. not even close. lol
No it's not fun. Drinking is bad for you and can ruin your life!
It's really fun. I actually have a table in my back yard thanks for reminding me. I think I am going to have to play this weekend. :)
Philly said:
It's really fun. I ame. I think I am going ctually have a table in my back yard thanks for reminding to have to play this weekend. :)
im going to have to try it. i know alot of people that play it so im going to have to get in on the fun. (;