10th Prestige in mw3
5.18 Kill death
22 win loss
ONLY 6 days played
over 40000 kills
over 1300 wins
Under 60 losses
566 winstreak
Stats are all legit
Need to sell this account quick because want to play on a new account i got
Contact unvenomed or PM me
we can talk prices
Look in my recent threads for proof
Kd and win loss KD and WL http://gyazo.com/60e5c7599b7530ecc6136fce805c5ae6
You can even check if you dont believe me You can add me on unvented and I'll show you the stats on Xbox
10th Prestige in mw3
5.18 Kill death
22 win loss
ONLY 6 days played
over 40000 kills
over 1300 wins
Under 60 losses
566 winstreak
Stats are all legit
Need to sell this account quick because want to play on a new account i got
Contact unvenomed or PM me
we can talk prices
Look in my recent threads for proof
Kd and win loss KD and WL http://gyazo.com/60e5c7599b7530ecc6136fce805c5ae6
You can even check if you dont believe me You can add me on unvented and I'll show you the stats on Xbox