Call of Duty best gun in mw3?

Hmm m4a1 supressed/rds , scar suppressed, type 95 rds, or type 95 rapid fire. Lol theyre all amazing

You should edit the title to your faveroite gun, or gun you preform the best with.
MP7 Silencer, or ACR Silencer for me.
I used to use the type 95 with rapid fire, however I quit playing that game after they made it shit.
i like the ACR with two attachments with silencer and red dot with a secondary of the fmg akimbo. oh of course with gold gun :)
I played it for 3 days till level 63 then stopped xD
I liked the CMR or whatever it was called :p
MSR FTW... its all about sniping :p that game is so easy i havent played for like a month im like 13th prestige because i reset all stats and my W/L is like 13 or something :p
I Have Only Ever Used The bolt aaction Snipers But Out of them both i prefer the MSR 8K Kills With It < 321