Best SM


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What's yalls favorite sm to use

Sorry if I left something out but what's your favorite.

PS sorry if in wrong section.
I claimed so many OG's on that in hopes it'd grow. @ambien
my most favorite is porbnaly 17, its rly og!!
I was being serious guys lol but it's cool lol I don't even know what them sms are.
I'd say Xbox it's dope you can play games and post like it's facebook lol and I got some pretty nice stuff on there gt wise
Producer said:
I'd say Xbox it's dope you can play games and post like it's facebook lol and I got some pretty nice stuff on there gt wise

Pm your gt I'll add ya dude and Idk what else to say
mines definitely snapchat,  because that's where I get all my nudies ;)
jay lewis said:
my favorite is snapchat and instagram, i only use kik for business

This is basically what i was gonna write lol.

IG & SC:)
I enjoy using Instagram because I can express my feelings in pictures, unlike twitter for example where you can only express the way you feel through words.
Voices said:
Kik is dead
Twitters get banned as fast as GTs
Twitter really do ahahaha mine lasted a week I should've bought a ig
XxBeAsTxX123 said:
I enjoy using Instagram because I can express my feelings in pictures, unlike twitter for example where you can only express the way you feel through words.

Twitter is most definitely not a place to express feelings