Blackhat or Whitehat?

Black hat, white hat, grey hat... everything goes if i get money!
blackhat and little bit whitehat, i like blackhat more.. dunno why.. :D
j0ntsa said:
blackhat and little bit whitehat, i like blackhat more.. dunno why.. :D

I know why u like bh ;)
Whitehat. I'm an angel now :) All the BH stuff got boring after awhile.
Demoralize said:
Whitehat. I'm an angel now :) All the BH stuff got boring after awhile.

Aww, my little angel O:) , yy that can be but i like BH :D
Only reason I ever got into BH was for the kesh, once I figured I can earn just as much legally I swapped. Plus I find it to be a fun challenge when it comes to infections. I enjoy removing them just because each one is different.